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Selma Housing Authority Aims to Transform GWC Homes

From the West Alabama Newsroom– The Selma Housing Authority announces a federal grant — to create a plan to improve the quality of life of people who live in public housing. For the next two years the Selma Housing Authority — will be working to create — and build support for a plan — to […]
Selma Secures $500K Grant to Provide Affordable Housing

SELMA, Ala. (WSFA) – An affordable housing crisis is playing out all across the country. In cities like Selma, a place to call home is oftentimes a dream that always seems out of reach. But thanks to new federal funding, it might just become a reality. “We have been working diligently to find ways to […]
Selma Housing Authority, City Wins USDA Grant to Revitalize GWC Homes

Selma Housing Authority and city of Selma have received a $500,000 Choice Neighborhoods grant from the USDA to revitalize George Washington Carver Homes. Selma will use the funds to create a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plan to redevelop severely distressed public housing, improve outcomes for residents, and bring new amenities to high-poverty neighborhoods. The funding is part […]